Debt Free®

The Debt Solutions People®

Financial Debt Help:
Stress Indicator Checklist

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Personal & Business Debt Crisis

Sometimes, financial troubles can get out of control quickly, before you’ve even realized it. Having bad debt and being chased by creditors can be extremely stressful, often causing people to adopt behaviours that worsen the situation.

Go through the applicable list below and see if these indicators reflect what is happening in your life today. If you find yourself checking off several of these, this is likely a signal that your debt problems are serious and need to be addressed immediately.Don’t hesitate—call our office today and get on the road to financial recovery.

Check Your Personal Debt Stress Indicators

  •  Credit refusals
  •  Support payment problems
  •  Pressure from bill collectors
  •  Depression
  •  Unpaid bills piling up
  •  Fear of foreclosure or losing your car
  •  Arguments over money problems
  •  Credit cards past due
  •  Gambling losses
  •  Pawning, borrowing, stealing
  •  Repeatedly asking relatives for money
  •  Using one credit card to pay off another
  •  Anger at creditor calls
  •  Unexpected job loss
  •  Feeling alone and hopeless
  •  Behind in taxes

Check Your Business Debt Stress Indicators

  •  Loan demand
  •  Inability to meet payroll
  •  Suppliers pressuring for payment
  •  Anxiety
  •  Failure to pay monthly rent/lease
  •  Behind in taxes
  •  Downturn in the market
  •  Customer base decreasing
  •  Bailiff seizures
  •  Merger or break-up
  •  Multiple re-mortgaging
  •  Internal misappropriation of funds
  •  Corporate funds depleted
  •  Personal funds depleted
  •  More cash going out than in
  •  Depression

We offer customized debt counselling for your needs.

Where To Find Us

Find us in the First Edmonton Place building on the corner of Jasper Avenue and 107th Street, behind the Corona LRT Station. Street meter parking is available along Jasper Avenue as well as 106th and 107th Streets, and paid surface parking is off of 106th Street, and underground parking for First Edmonton Place is off of 107th Street.

A.C. Waring &
Associates Inc.

  • First Edmonton Place
    410-10655 Jasper Ave NW
  • Edmonton, AB T5J 3S9


Our Testimonials


How To Qualify for Debt Relief in Canada

DebtDebt Management

If you are feeling overwhelmed by debt, you are not alone. Canadians across the country, particularly in Alberta, face significant financial challenges. But there is hope. Debt relief programs offer a lifeline for those drowning in debt. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to qualifying for debt relief in Canada, as the answers vary depending on […]

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November 22, 2024
Arthur Waring

Understanding CRA Collections & Your Business Tax Debt


Like individuals, businesses sometimes find themselves in circumstances where they have trouble paying their bills. Sometimes, these debts can include outstanding taxes owed to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If taxes remain unpaid for long enough, the CRA is legally entitled to take collections action against you.  Because of its status as a government agency, […]

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October 28, 2024
Arthur Waring

How Debt Consolidation Works in Canada: A Detailed Guide

DebtDebt Management

Dealing with debt can feel overwhelming. You might be tempted to think of “overwhelming debt” as owing a large amount of money. Sometimes, though, meeting all of your minimum monthly payments to several different creditors can be a challenge even when the overall debt number is not that high. In cases like this, many debt […]

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October 28, 2024
Arthur Waring
A licensed insolvency trustee reviews an Albertan couple's debt relief solutions with them.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by debt, you are not alone. Canadians across the country, particularly in Alberta, face significant financial challenges. But there is hope. Debt relief programs offer a lifeline for those drowning in debt. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to qualifying for debt relief in Canada, as the answers vary depending on […]

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A tabletop with wooden letters spelling "TAX", a calculator, a pen, and a sheaf of papers.

Like individuals, businesses sometimes find themselves in circumstances where they have trouble paying their bills. Sometimes, these debts can include outstanding taxes owed to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If taxes remain unpaid for long enough, the CRA is legally entitled to take collections action against you.  Because of its status as a government agency, […]

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A close-up of a person's hands holding two large wooden puzzle pieces. One says "Debt", and the other says "Consolidation".

Dealing with debt can feel overwhelming. You might be tempted to think of “overwhelming debt” as owing a large amount of money. Sometimes, though, meeting all of your minimum monthly payments to several different creditors can be a challenge even when the overall debt number is not that high. In cases like this, many debt […]

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