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The Debt Solutions People®

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Lessons from Celebrities: Bankruptcy Can Happen to Anyone

It may sound ironic, but earning millions of dollars or having celebrity status is no guarantee against the risk of indebtedness. Musicians, movie stars, models, athletes, and business executives across different industries have overspent, mortgaged and whittled away millions of dollars. How is it possible for any millionaire to end up spending more than they […]

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How Money Personalities Can Create Relationship and Financial Stress

A couple’s relationship is shaped by love and mutual understanding, but handling money is also one of the components the relationship is comprised of. More separations are driven by money problems than any other factor, including conflicts about parenting, sexual relations, time apart, household responsibilities, family and/or friends, irritating habits and unmet expectations. Psychologists say […]

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What is Discretionary Spending and Why is it Significant?

Every adult needs to have an income; it is your incoming funds that pay for your outgoing expenses. Your expenses will be either obligatory or optional. To avoid becoming overwhelmed by future debt, it is important to realize that your incoming funds, usually from your job/career, investments, inheritance, etc. can all vaporize quickly if you […]

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