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Category: Debt

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How To Qualify for Debt Relief in Canada

A licensed insolvency trustee reviews an Albertan couple's debt relief solutions with them.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by debt, you are not alone. Canadians across the country, particularly in Alberta, face significant financial challenges. But there is hope. Debt relief programs offer a lifeline for those drowning in debt. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to qualifying for debt relief in Canada, as the answers vary depending on […]

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Understanding CRA Collections & Your Business Tax Debt

A tabletop with wooden letters spelling "TAX", a calculator, a pen, and a sheaf of papers.

Like individuals, businesses sometimes find themselves in circumstances where they have trouble paying their bills. Sometimes, these debts can include outstanding taxes owed to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If taxes remain unpaid for long enough, the CRA is legally entitled to take collections action against you.  Because of its status as a government agency, […]

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How To Deal With Overwhelming Credit Card Debt

Men sitting down overwhelmed with credit card debt

Credit cards help cover costs in advance—they do not provide free money. They are a loan that requires repayment within the credit agency timelines, which many people can struggle with.   If you are struggling to pull yourself out of credit card debt, there are strategies you can use to take control of your situation, including […]

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Wage Garnishment In Alberta: Facts & FAQs for Employees & Employers

A close-up of a credit card statement and a ball-pen beside a white keyboard.

Wage garnishment in Alberta is slightly different from other provinces. In this article, we’ll review some frequently asked questions and facts around wage garnishment, including: The factors leading to wage garnishment vary from person to person, from unpaid credit card debt to outstanding personal loans or mortgage balances.  We may only be able to answer […]

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Can Debt Consolidation Help With Student Loans?

a graduation cap sitting on a calculator

Graduating from post-secondary school is an exciting accomplishment, but when you come out of school with student loan debt, you have to face loan repayment.   If you receive loans from multiple sources, such as the federal and provincial governments, or private loans and lines of credit from banks, you will have several payments to keep […]

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