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The Debt Solutions People®

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How Can I Rebuild My Credit History: A Guide for Graduates

After finishing school and entering the workforce, many former students may find themselves with low or no credit rating. No matter the reason—be it student loans or credit card debt—this may impact your post-graduation life. Potential employers, landlords, lenders, insurers, and others may check your financial background when you apply for jobs, loans, or look […]

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How to Manage Joint Debt Overload When Going Through a Separation

Ending a marriage is difficult no matter the circumstances, but factoring in any financial problems on top of a fizzling relationship tends to further harden the experience for both former spouses. Although simplicity may dictate that assets should be split evenly, or in accordance with any particulars laid out in a prenuptial agreement, there are […]

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The difference between a credit score and credit rating

Your credit score and credit rating are both indicative of your financial situation and can significantly influence your reputation with potential lenders, as well as your ability to obtain loans, credit and other important matters. However, it is important to distinguish between the two. Equifax and TransUnion are the Canadian credit reporting agencies from which […]

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Student Loan Debt

Student loans have steadily risen across most of the country, even as the middle class has been steady for the past two decades. For the current school year, average university tuition costs in Canada are almost $6,200 for undergrads and just over $6,400 for graduates. Alberta has just begun to follow Newfoundland and Labrador’s lead […]

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