When facing financial hardship, one solution to becoming debt free may be filing for bankruptcy. Debt help or debt relief in Edmonton is available by seeking a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT). If your financial situation cannot be remedied by other solutions considered by the trustee then bankruptcy may be your best option. Choosing a licensed […]
Student Loan Debt
Student loans have steadily risen across most of the country, even as the middle class has been steady for the past two decades. For the current school year, average university tuition costs in Canada are almost $6,200 for undergrads and just over $6,400 for graduates. Alberta has just begun to follow Newfoundland and Labrador’s lead […]
Avoiding Debt Overload When Starting a Business in Alberta
Starting a new business is both exciting and challenging, especially in the first year. If it works reasonably well and generates some profit, then business ownership can be rewarding, but if it doesn’t go as planned, you may have some regrets. Thirty percent of new businesses fail in the first two years and only fifty […]
How to Stay out of Debt This Holiday Season
The holiday season can be a wonderful time of year surrounded with the good cheer of family and friends. But when January rolls in, so do the post-holiday bills, and all of a sudden, your good cheer is fraught with the stress of credit card debt. So, how do you get out from under it? […]
Is Downsizing the Right Move for You?
To own or not to own? Downsizing may not bring on the savings you expect People approaching or in retirement often face a housing dilemma – should you own a detached house or condo/townhouse, or should you rent a house, condo or apartment? Both ownership and renting come with myths and landmines. A traditional benefit […]
Reasons to Avoid Co-Signing a Loan
Why You Should Avoid Co-Signing a Loan It is always a difficult situation when a friend or family member asks you to co-sign a loan. Co-signing a loan means paying a borrower’s debt if he or she defaults on the loan. The reason for the loan may seem quite reasonable, such as to attend school, […]
Becoming Debt Free
Having a positive attitude is paramount when dealing with debts. We at A.C. Waring & Associates know that no matter what the challenges, you must never quit. There is always a solution and a brighter day ahead. Don’t Quit When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, […]
Ways to Save This Summer in Edmonton
Ways You Can Save This Summer – Family Fun at Low Cost Summer’s finally here! While you are into the summer festivities, now is the time to keep your costs down and save money. Spending very little in the summer can be simple as long as you plan in advance and take a few additional […]
Understanding Your Credit Report, Score & Rating
Credit is a fragile thing that can easily be damaged. Your credit rating can help or hinder your ability to get a loan, get a lease as a tenant or even get hired for a job. Each inquiry made by a lender, landlord or employer can reduce your credit score, so it is best to […]
Lessons from Celebrities: Bankruptcy Can Happen to Anyone
It may sound ironic, but earning millions of dollars or having celebrity status is no guarantee against the risk of indebtedness. Musicians, movie stars, models, athletes, and business executives across different industries have overspent, mortgaged and whittled away millions of dollars. How is it possible for any millionaire to end up spending more than they […]